
VAJA — an opportunity too exciting – and too important – to resist.

What if all solar farms are fundamentally built the wrong way?

This was the core idea that led to the inception of Vaja.

AndersVaja’s CTO and co-founder – is one of the pioneers of the solar energy industry in Sweden. In 2017 he founded Soldags and since then has led it as CEO. Over the last five years, Soldags has become one of the leading residential solar energy companies in all of Sweden. 

During the past several years, Anders could not shake one wild idea from his mind – an idea for fundamentally changing how solar farms are built – by turning the design principles of solar farm mounting and tracking systems completely on their head.

But Anders realized that this was a BIG idea that would require quite a bit of muscle to make real.

Anders and Henrik (Vaja’s other co-founder) got to know each other while working closely together at Tobii – the global leader in eye tracking technology which Henrik co-founded. Henrik was the CEO of Tobii from the garage to publicly listed company (which has now become two public companies, Tobii and Dynavox) with well over 1,000 employees. 

In the fall of 2023, Anders shared his idea with Henrik. After some brainstorming together, they both realized that this opportunity was too exciting – and too important – to resist. 

Solar energy is already the fastest growing form of energy production globally. It is growing at an astonishing and accelerating pace. The majority of all solar energy is produced in ground-based solar farms. A technology solution, such as the one that Vaja is developing, that dramatically improves the ROI of solar farms and significantly reduces the land-use conflict of such installations has tremendous business potential. Moreover, it can have a major impact on the global transition to a sustainable world at a time when energy demands are increasing exponentially.

Henrik and Anders are working full throttle to realize this idea – at scale and high pace. In less than a year, they have taken this “crazy wild idea” through basic technology research, into product development, and now to real-world full-scale system testing. 

Together with a stellar core team, Vaja has joined an epic race to make solar farms more productive – and more cost effective – than ever before!